Posted on: January 11, 2024 Posted by: Typecho Comments: 0

Getting Started

Before you start drawing and painting on your journey of discovery, make sure to read these helpful tips! Let’s get started….

1. Learn to view your subject in a new way. Take a close look at each object and identify individual shapes within. A puppy dog is made up of circles and ovals, a house is constructed of squares, rectangles and triangles.

2. Choose a favorite subject to draw and learn more about it. For example, a house might have a tree, flowers, birds, a dog or cat, and people playing in the front yard. Determine what objects make your scene complete.

3. Draw the main subject. Remember to look for simple lines and shapes, and always draw what you see. Once you layout all the shapes and lines on your subject, you will begin to discover your masterpiece.

4. Fill in the background of your subject with additional objects that complete the scene. For example, a garden might have flowers, vegetables, a fence, butterflies, a sky, sun, clouds, or a watering can.

5. Color your masterpiece. Coloring will bring your picture to life. Use your favorite colors and don’t be afraid to experiment with unusual color combinations. This is where creativity shines!


Markers are a type of color pen used for writing and coloring. They are made up of a case, carrier, and ink. The case is usually a plastic barrel with a cap. The carrier is a fibrous material that absorbs the colored ink.

If you enjoy drawing famous cartoon characters or if you simply enjoy creating new characters, this guide is for you. There are no limits to the types of characters you can create. You can decide if your character is a human, an animal, an alien, a robot, or a combination of any of these examples.

Watercolor paint is made from different colored pigments and is water-based. Painting with watercolors takes patience and a practice. You will need two cups of clean water before you begin. The first cup of water is for wetting the brush before you dip it in the paint square. The second water cup is to clean your brush.


Pastels are the most popular and commonly used in the world, Oil pastels and soft pastels are two main types of pastels, Soft pastels consists of powered pigment and binder. The more pigmenta pastel contains, the softer it is. Pastel drawing issimple, requiring very few tools.
Kids Drawing Painting What are Pastels

The COLOR mixing

  The most important tools to understanding color and creating a well balanced composition.
Color mixing is broken down into three specificcategories of primary, secondary and tertiary colors.


   Red, yellow, blue – Refers to the three colors of which all other colors are derived.


  red + yellow = orange


  Yellow -orange, blue-green, red-violet.These colors are a result of mixing your primary and secondary colors, the proper name is primary color first hyphenated by secondary color last.

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